Monday, January 17, 2011


What a great idea. I have a couple of memories:

One summer, when I was perhaps 9 or 10 and Karen was 16 or 17, we Plumb girls, Suzanne, Marilyn and Trish spent the day with our mom, Pat at the Walkers by the pool in Van Nyes. Karen Sally and Aunt Gladys were all there.

It was really hot, and it was a long and wonderfully lazy afternoon spent around the pool. When we were not eating plums and jumping in the pool, I decided to explore the house. I remember going into Karen's bedroom, off of the pool area and getting into her make-up. Of particular interest was a lipstick brush which sprang forth at a touch. After applying a liberal amount of lipstick from Karen's fabulous collection, I found I couldn't retract the brush. And it was a big mess now. In a panic, I left it there and slipped out. Later, Karen came out to the pool and cried out "Who's been fooling with my things?" I did the only sensible thing, I denied it and ate another plum. Sick with indigestion and perhaps a little guilt (after all, I am remembering this all these years later) , I returned with my tired family to Grandma's house in Santa Monica.

A few years later we all met up at Union Station in LA and took the same Santa Fe train to Chicago. En route, I decided to confess, and of course Karen had forgotten the whole thing! We had a great train ride and I loved getting to know my cousin a little better!

Marilyn Plumb Cheney

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